Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wheelchair time...

Today has been pretty good...

I spent some time sitting outside this afternoon - the beautiful fall weather (well, hotter than usual for this time of year) was just too perfect to be sitting inside.

So I rounded up my walker, got mom to get my wheelchair on the outside path, made it outside and down the driveway where the sun was shining. Before too long however it got a little warm - especially wearing skin-tight stockings! So I rolled from sun to shade, and back.

I guess I spent a couple of hours sitting outside, and then made it back in for a nap. I also decided at this point that I was going to skip the percocet, and opt for three tylenol - just to see. My main reason for this is that the Physical Therapist came yesterday and took my blood pressure - which ended up to be a pretty low reading - clearly it's not only the pain meds, but they do/can have an effect on it - so I thought it'd skip it and see just how great the pain was without them.

The pain was there. But it wasn't unbearable. I'm going to try 1/2 percocet and tylenol and see how that works for this point on.

The rest of the afternoon was a lazy one. Jim took mom for a trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond, since mom hasn't been out of the house since they arrived last Tuesday, and there were some things she wanted to pick up.

Jim prepared another tasty dinner tonight...and its fair to say that my appetite is pretty much back to norm. So much for losing some weight during all of this!..

I have been sleeping on the couch for the last couple of nights, which has been suprisingly more comfortable than the bed, however I think tonight I may venture back to the bed for a couple of reasons - I think my hip is a little more 'mobile' and less stiff, I am sleeping through a good part of the night (from 10.30 - 6am), and of course, I want to get back to sleeping next to my hubby.

PT is coming again early tomorrow morning, so I'll need to get a good nights sleep so I can be up and awake in time. We'll see how my blood pressure is then.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you are getting on swell sis, more and more mobile every day, and good that your appetite is back.

believe me - you'll lose weight alright as soon as you start flying around on those shiney red crutches, imagine supporting your entire body weight only using your arms and stomach muscles.... its surprising how much energy you excert!

keep it up, and dont forget your "list" of stuff for me, and if or jim want any shoes, boots, flip flops, trainers etc etc bringing over then take a look at the site and lemme know....

Marina said...

Hi Rache,

Sounds like you're recovering very nicely! Cannot wait to read the posts about the hospital :)

Sam said...

Sounds like you are doing great! It only gets better from here! :)

Susan said...

Sounds like you are progressing right along! I'm glad you got outside yesterday for some sun ......just in time before the much needed rain came too.

I hope the PT session went well this morning. Robert at TDS asked about you last night. Everything is thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Denise said...

Can you believe it's almost 2 weeks down? And the worst ones!! So glad you're keeping your blog up to-date as your mates are hungry for news of you. Glad too that you got that wheelchair. It wont be in your life for long, but it's damn handy at this stage of your journey towards a limp-free future
Congrats on your progress thus far
xo D