Dr. Schrader, after looking at the XRAY and prodding here and there told me all the things I wanted to hear:
a) I could drop to one crutch
b) The bone is fusing back together in all the right spots
c) I can DRIVE!! (no longer a prisoner in my own home!)
In addition, he told me that I could start to do some more 'serious' excercises on my left leg, straight leg lifts, side lifts etc., and that it was time now to start to build the muscle back (since the bone is nicely under way!)
The last bit of good news is that I can ditch the crutches altogether in 4 weeks time!!!! at which time I can also start back on the exercise bike or eliptical machines...
So here's what we've waited 7 1/2 weeks for...
On the Outside: The scar is healing really well, and I'm now massaging Bio oil into it twice a day (thanks to Sis who brought me a bottle over from Blighty!)
On the Inside:

I'm feeling GREAT!!
I know I still have a long way to go, and Dr. Schrader did say that for some time until the muscle is fully back to normal, that I would probably have a pronounced 'waddle' to my walk - but I know what I have to do, and I'd rather have a waddle and be able to do something about it, than to be back where I was 7 weeks ago and in pain.
Many, many, many thanks to Dr. Schrader who is an absolute STAR.
He has given me my life back with this operation, and I can't begin to thank him enough.
Thanks also to my entire family who have showered, dressed, fed and watered me through the tough and groggy times... I couldn't have gotten this far without you xx
So, onward and upward... :)